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Author: WOW Staff

Pray for CCCO

WOW – is a partner with Cross Connect Community Outreach led by Kyle Tolman. They serve some of the most vulnerable in South Africa. They have an effective, comprehensive ministry for which we thank the Lord.

House Nehemiah: A Home for Children in Need

House Nehemiah is a safe haven for children between the ages of 3 and 13, providing them with love, stability, and a sense of belonging. These children come from challenging backgrounds, often with no family support. A big question that has been looming for Cross Connect is, What happens when these children turn 14 and leave House Nehemiah?

A Miraculous Property Opportunity

The team began searching for properties that could be developed into a new home for children 14 years and older. They explored a few options, but each needed extensive renovations. Then, an unexpected door: a neighbor approached Kyle and asked if they would consider buying his property. The house is ideal, with plenty of space and room to expand. After sharing this opportunity with a few people connected to the ministry, the response was overwhelming.

The very next week, Kyle received a call: “We want to purchase the entire property … We believe in your work.” What a beautiful testimony of God’s provision! He made a way where there seemed to be no way. Please join us in prayer for a smooth transition and the funding needed for renovations.

New Farming Project for Women

Another exciting initiative is the rollout of a new farming project that will train local women in basic agricultural skills. This program not only provides a means of income but also restores dignity and purpose, equipping women to contribute to their families and communities. Pray for wisdom and resources as this project develops.

Combating Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

The GBV programs continue to grow, reaching more women and children affected by abuse. We ask for your prayers for those involved, both participants and facilitators, that God’s healing and peace will flow mightily in these sessions. Pray also for protection over the staff and volunteers as they engage in this sensitive work, often in difficult circumstances.

Project Esther

The Esther Program is a home-based care program that aims to assist single-headed households with food, basic needs and everything their children may need to succeed.
Health Challenges for Kyle Tolman

Lastly, pray for Kyle, who is facing health challenges. His journey is ongoing. Pray for daily grace, healing, and the strength to continue leading this amazing ministry.

How You Can Pray:

  1. Provision for House Nehemiah and the new property
  2. Wisdom in addressing the needs of older children
  3. Success for the new farming project
  4. Protection and breakthrough in the GBV programs
  5. Project Esther
  6. Strength and health for Kyle Tolman

Thank you for standing with WOW Mission in prayer! Your intercession and support are vital as we seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who need Him most.

Shine Your Light

In the greatest sermon ever preached, Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
WOW takes this as a mandate. That’s why we, together with you, are shining a light in some of the darkest places on earth. WOW is a team effort, both overseas and here in North America. We “work together for good” and for God. And we thank you!
Here’s an overview for your encouragement. I hope it will inspire you.

Chief and Pastor Theresa Malila is founder and leader of Somebody Cares Malawi (SCM), a ministry to dying orphans and widows. Founded over twenty years ago after Theresa’s response to a challenge I gave at a church in Lilongwe, SCM has become one of the most highly respected NGOs in the nation. Its comprehensive ministry is massive. Their programs include the community support of 1500 orphaned children, the weekly feeding of 3500 elderly widows, the rescue of scores of girls who have survived gender-based violence, the training of 1700 youth in community care, and 16 evangelism outreaches in the past six months seeing 1000 decisions for Christ. WOW is humbled and privileged to help fund this mighty ministry. 

Pastor Eric Mwambelo founded and leads Impact Community Outreach (ICO) in central Zambia, Kabwe. This vital ministry has been focused on afflicted orphans and widows for over two decades. The challenges are huge, especially over the past few years as a perfect storm of adversity – Covid 19, Cholera, and Drought – has ravaged the already suffering HIV & AIDS victims. An outstanding agricultural project called “Rob’s Farm”, purchased and developed with funds from WOW, is successfully growing food for desperate patients. The farm also serves as a center for the training of future pastors and care workers. Once again, the “salt and light” impact in Jesus’ name is huge. Hundreds of “the least of these” have found hope and healing in the midst of the storm. 

Pastors Helmut and Esther Reutter are the founders and directors of CHRESO in Lusaka, a nationally recognized leader in the care of orphans and widows afflicted by HIV & AIDS. With WOW’s help, CHRESO provides clinical health care to thousands of people in both urban and rural areas. WOW’s focus is in the supply of pharmaceuticals for these afflicted souls. In the rural mobile clinics alone, we fund ministry to 5000 patients every month. This is faithfully done as the compassionate “hands and feet” of Jesus, bringing hope to the hopeless. 

Pastor Kyle Tolman founded and leads CrossConnect (CC), a ministry to orphaned and/or abandoned children in South Africa’s West Rand, northwest of Johannesburg. CC’s reach is to over 3000 impoverished homes in that area. From House Nehemiah, their “home of mercy” purchased and funded by WOW, they deliver comprehensive and compassionate care to desperately needy children. Social services and police are in weekly contact asking for CC’s help. They are truly “salt and light” in South Africa and WOW is privileged to be a key partner as they reach out in Jesus’ name. 

It’s been three years since Russia invaded Ukraine. The suffering has been brutal. In the midst of this crisis several Ukrainian churches have banded together to provide food and shelter for homeless and hungry people and they have appealed to WOW’s partner ministry, “Loads of Love”, headed by pastor Ed Dickson, for help. In the past few months, we’ve funded the feeding of over 7000 women and children. During that time, we’re told that 2800 of these wonderful people have decided to follow Jesus. Salt and light in action!

A major focus is destitute women and their fatherless children. We provide a meal a day to scores of them living in the scorching heat on the streets of the sweltering slums. Computer classes and training in tailoring are a welcome opportunity. A creative income generation project saw the purchase of “food trucks”- rickshaws outfitted with a bbq and basic foodstuffs – enabling women to cook food for street people and make a few rupees to provide for their children. Some of those children have blood cancers and/or HIV and tuberculosis. Medical support was needed and with your help it was provided. Each and every one of these precious souls is aware that the love of Christ has come to them via faithful volunteers from a Christian church. The dark night of their stressful lives gives way to the light of God’s love. 

Prayer for Impact Community Outreach

Partner Spotlight: Impact Community Outreach (ICO) – A Call to Prayer

Wow Mission partners with organizations that are committed to making a lasting impact in the lives of those they serve. One such partner, Impact Community Outreach (ICO), continues to carry out their vital work in challenging circumstances, and they have shared specific prayer requests with us. We invite you to join us in lifting them up in prayer, trusting that God hears and answers according to His perfect will.

Pray for Spiritual Awakening

ICO’s volunteers are on the frontlines, ministering to orphans, widows, patients, and primary caregivers. Many of those they serve are in desperate need of hope and healing. Please pray that God would open the spiritual eyes of these individuals to see the light of the Gospel. Pray that hearts would be softened, and that many would come to know the love of God through the dedicated service of ICO’s team.

Pray for Provision Amidst Drought

Zambia is currently facing a severe drought, leading to a scarcity of food. This situation has made life even more challenging for the vulnerable populations that ICO serves. We ask you to pray for God’s supernatural provision during this difficult time. May He provide food and resources to sustain the orphans, widows, and families who are struggling.

Pray for Rob’s Farm Irrigation Project

Rob’s farm plays a crucial role in ICO’s mission, providing food and resources to those in need. However, to maximize its potential, an irrigation system is urgently needed. Please pray that God would provide the necessary funds to set up this irrigation system, allowing the farm to thrive even in times of drought. This project is not just about growing crops; it’s about growing hope and sustainability for the community.

Pray for the Launch of a Bible School

ICO has a vision to start a Bible School at Rob’s farm, with the goal of equipping and empowering believers to spread the Gospel in their communities. This ambitious project is slated to begin before January 2025, but it requires significant resources to get off the ground. Pray that God would provide all the necessary resources, including teachers, materials, and funding, to make this vision a reality.

Standing Together in Faith

At Wow Mission, we believe in the power of prayer and the importance of standing together as a community. We are grateful for the work that ICO is doing and for the opportunity to support them. As we bring these requests before God, let us do so with hearts full of expectation, knowing that He is able to do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers for Wow Mission’s many partners. Together, we can make a difference, bringing the hope and love of God to those who need it most.

Prayer Requests from Somebody Cares

As we pray for our ministry partner, Somebody Cares Ministries in Malawi, we have the opportunity to bring the pressing needs of their community before the throne of grace. In the midst of great challenges and uncertainties, their trust and hope are in the One who hears and holds the power to bring about change.

Pray for God’s Intervention

Jehovah Jireh is our provider. The Malawi fields have not yielded as expected, and the cost of staple maize has quadrupled, placing a heavy burden on families. We are asking God to intervene and ease the strain on those facing a tough year ahead.

Pray Justice Prevails

Pray for the widows who have been victims of land grabs by greedy relatives. May God’s righteous judgment bring restitution and protection to those who have been wronged, securing their rightful inheritance and peace of mind.

Pray for Continued Passion

As SCM volunteers continue to serve the people in their community, let’s pray for their continued passion for God and love for Him and others among the team and volunteers. May their hearts be steadfast in devotion, their actions fueled by love, and their service a reflection of Christ’s selfless love.

Pray for a Spiritual Harvest and God’s Will

Along with providing physical care for the vulnerable, Somebody Cares Ministries desires to see more and more people come to know Christ and experience the transformative power of His grace. May the Holy Spirit move mightily in their midst, drawing hearts closer to God and igniting a revival that spreads far and wide.

Also pray the church in Malawi returns to God and rediscovers a true focus on the people of God. Pray for a revival of spiritual fervor, a renewed commitment to biblical truth, and a unity that advances God’s kingdom.

Lastly, as Malawi prepares for upcoming elections, submit petitions for God’s guidance and sovereign will to prevail. As campaigns begin, may righteousness and integrity mark the proceedings, and may the outcome be according to God’s divine purpose.

As we unite in prayer, trust in the promise that God hears and answers our prayers.

Yours in Christ,

Somebody Cares Ministries and Wow Mission

Working Together for 14 Times the Impact

“Tomorrow you are going to Chibolya. The driver will pick you up at 9:30.” 

Kathy and I had just flown to Lusaka, Zambia to spend a few days with WOW’s ministry champion CHRESO, our partner for 25 years.

Chibolya… “Where’s that?” we asked.

“It’s in the centre of Lusaka,” they said. “It’s the most dangerous place in the city, maybe in all of Zambia. Most Lusakans avoid it. And they would probably warn you to stay away because you’ll be seen as rich foreigners.”

“But you work there,” Kathy responded.

“We do, by God’s grace. He protects us from the drug dealers, hostile gangs, and disease. It may be one of the most violent, virulent slums in Africa but we felt we needed to have a presence there. A light in the darkness! (We’ve not taken you in the past because of the danger. But we think you need to see where WOW’s meds are being prescribed and delivered.)”

As we drove into Chibolya the next morning, the street was so narrow our vehicle’s side mirrors were almost scraping the market stalls on either side. And it was our first experience driving on a street “paved” with compressed layers of garbage, the acrid smell adding another dimension to the atmosphere.

Apart from mainly curious but occasionally hostile looks from the teeming crowds making way for our truck, and shouts of “mzungu!” (“white person”) from the children, we made it to the clinic without incident. It was hidden behind a cement security wall and a heavy steel gate. It looked like a prison compound.

The clinic was a simple structure of bare cement blocks and a low, flat roof, unglazed windows with rusted burglar bars. It housed two-and-a-half dimly lit rooms. The reception desk, a small pharmacist’s table, and a few chairs were the only furniture in the main room, and an examining table behind a curtain was in the back room. The registrar, the pharmacist, a nurse practitioner, a medical officer, and five angelic volunteers comprised the staff. There were about ten patients crowded inside.

The registrar worked with pen and paper, the pharmacist with a few boxes of medications (supplied by WOW), and the nurse practitioner and medical officer examined and prescribed treatment with minimal equipment but great expertise and a loving touch. The volunteers (I do mean “angels”) brought in the critically ill patients from the streets. They knew there was risk each time they left the clinic to find the sick and the dying.  

As we took it all in Kathy and I felt we were on holy ground. 

To this point our exposure to CHRESO’s medical ministry had been limited to visiting their mobile medical clinics in the remote rural areas of southern Zambia where WOW’s pharmaceutical supplies were/are being administered to 5000 patients per month. But now we were seeing the urban side of our ministry and the overall impact was/is humbling and inspiring.

There’s no doubt the Lord has led us to “the least of these”.

As you know, once a year WOW challenges you with the opportunity to fund life-giving medications for our champion partners in Africa. We’re able to do so in partnership with Health Partners International Canada (HPIC), a marvellous Christian ministry who source their pharmaceuticals from the major pharma companies. And it’s all done with matching dollars.

This year we’re so grateful to the Lord that we can offer a 14:1 match!

One dollar from you becomes 14 dollars of medications for humble, godly ministry to the poorest of the poor. The impact is incalculable.

We, of course, do not take you for granted. We know your gifts are prompted by the Holy Spirit and are bathed in compassion. We truly are “labourers together”.

So we thank you for your heart and commitment to extending the hands of Jesus to these needy ones. They are his children.

In conclusion, I’m reminded of the scripture that declares, “He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for what he has done” (Proverbs 19:17).

May the Lord bless you for your compassion and kindness.


Pray for Ukraine: Supporting Those on the Frontlines

In times of crisis and uncertainty, prayer is a source of comfort, strength, and hope. Today, we ask you to join us in lifting our brothers and sisters in Ukraine who are facing immense challenges amidst ongoing conflict. Ed Dickson, Overseas Director at Loads of Love Humanitarian Aid and Mission Society, shares some specific needs and has invited us to join him in praying for all those impacted by the war.

Pray for Protection

Pray for protection and empowerment for Loads of Love’s workers. Their workers risk their lives daily to deliver essential supplies like food and medicine to the front-line areas in Ukraine. Pray for God’s protection as they carry out their mission. May God’s strength and wisdom empower them, knowing that they are not alone in their efforts.

Pray for Spiritual Transformation

Let’s pray that as Loads of Love meets physical needs, God would also bring people to their team who are ready to address their spiritual needs. Loads of Love delivers food and medication, and the volunteers are also sowing seeds of spiritual transformation. Let’s pray earnestly that God would draw these individuals to Himself and that their hearts would be receptive to His message of love and redemption. May thousands more come to know God intimately, finding peace and purpose in Him.

Pray for Discernment

Finally, pray for discernment and clarity for the workers. May every effort be saturated with God’s wisdom and grace and bring about lasting transformation and healing in the lives of those they serve.

As we unite our hearts in prayer, remember the words of Psalm 34:17-18, “When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Together, we can make a difference. May God’s peace and provision abound, now and always.

With gratitude,

WOW Mission & Ed Dickson from Loads of Love