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| Jim Cantelon |
In September Kathy and I flew to Africa to visit our champion partners in South Africa, Zambia and Malawi. It had been Three Long Years since our last visit. So good to connect in person rather than the stopgap ZOOM meetings we’d conducted during the Covid pandemic. We were grateful and humbled to see that […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I think we’re all troubled by the world of hurt in which we live. On the heels of a slow three-year COVID-19 retreat we’re suddenly facing serious environmental news – major rivers drying up (Germany’s Rhine, the Colorado in the US, the Yangtze in China, and even the Jordan in Israel), horrific pollution of “sacred” […]
| Jim Cantelon |
  I don’t think any of us of the post-Second World War generation have ever experienced such dark times. There’s no need to list the litany of troubles facing us from natural disasters to pandemics and brutal regional wars. Our world is in a dark place. But as tough as it is for us, living […]
| Jim Cantelon |
The world is in uproar since I last wrote to you. The conflict in Ukraine is dominating our lives, easily eclipsing the ongoing Covid crisis. While we watch in horror, “Putin’s war” as it’s called, continues to decimate cities and human lives. Every day brings new destruction. Indeed by the time this letter reaches you […]
| Jim Cantelon |
  We’ve read the reports and have seen the videos of countless migrants desperately trying to reach Europe from Africa on leaky inflatables. Some make it but many perish.The look of fear and panic on the faces of those pulled from the Mediterranean is soul crushing. Many of these migrants are young men, some of […]
| Jim Cantelon |
  As I sat down to write this letter to you my WhatsApp pinged with a message from Pastor Kyle Tolman, our partner champion in South Africa. Read it and weep…   The United Nations designates orphaned children raising children as “Child Headed Households”(CHH). We care for scores of these children in South Africa, Zambia, Malawi, and […]
| Jim Cantelon |
I answered a WhatsApp call in the early hours of the morning. It was Prem, our church partner in Chennai, India. He confirmed my worst fears: “The pandemic is ravaging the city. The infection rates are soaring and people are dying. But, a wonderful thing has happened, Pastor! The state government has reached out to […]
| Jim Cantelon |
As I write we’re into Year Two of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. We all feel the impact. And we’re ready for it to end. We’re tired.    But, ironically, we’re also renewed in the sense that we’ve been forced to re-examine our lives, our values, our relationships, and our spirits. We’ve been “orphaned” from loved […]
| Jim Cantelon |
2020 Update from Somebody Cares Ministries by Rita | Mar 4, 2021 Here’s an update from one of our partners, Somebody Cares Ministry, on the wonderful work that they’ve done in Malawi. In 2020 SCM was able to provide 450 blankets and 100 bed mats to 350 Home Based patients. They were also able to […]