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Tag: Cross Connect Community Outreach

Pray for CCCO

WOW – is a partner with Cross Connect Community Outreach led by Kyle Tolman. They serve some of the most vulnerable in South Africa. They have an effective, comprehensive ministry for which we thank the Lord.

House Nehemiah: A Home for Children in Need

House Nehemiah is a safe haven for children between the ages of 3 and 13, providing them with love, stability, and a sense of belonging. These children come from challenging backgrounds, often with no family support. A big question that has been looming for Cross Connect is, What happens when these children turn 14 and leave House Nehemiah?

A Miraculous Property Opportunity

The team began searching for properties that could be developed into a new home for children 14 years and older. They explored a few options, but each needed extensive renovations. Then, an unexpected door: a neighbor approached Kyle and asked if they would consider buying his property. The house is ideal, with plenty of space and room to expand. After sharing this opportunity with a few people connected to the ministry, the response was overwhelming.

The very next week, Kyle received a call: “We want to purchase the entire property … We believe in your work.” What a beautiful testimony of God’s provision! He made a way where there seemed to be no way. Please join us in prayer for a smooth transition and the funding needed for renovations.

New Farming Project for Women

Another exciting initiative is the rollout of a new farming project that will train local women in basic agricultural skills. This program not only provides a means of income but also restores dignity and purpose, equipping women to contribute to their families and communities. Pray for wisdom and resources as this project develops.

Combating Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

The GBV programs continue to grow, reaching more women and children affected by abuse. We ask for your prayers for those involved, both participants and facilitators, that God’s healing and peace will flow mightily in these sessions. Pray also for protection over the staff and volunteers as they engage in this sensitive work, often in difficult circumstances.

Project Esther

The Esther Program is a home-based care program that aims to assist single-headed households with food, basic needs and everything their children may need to succeed.
Health Challenges for Kyle Tolman

Lastly, pray for Kyle, who is facing health challenges. His journey is ongoing. Pray for daily grace, healing, and the strength to continue leading this amazing ministry.

How You Can Pray:

  1. Provision for House Nehemiah and the new property
  2. Wisdom in addressing the needs of older children
  3. Success for the new farming project
  4. Protection and breakthrough in the GBV programs
  5. Project Esther
  6. Strength and health for Kyle Tolman

Thank you for standing with WOW Mission in prayer! Your intercession and support are vital as we seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who need Him most.