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Tag: Malawi

Prayers Needed for Our Malawi Partners in the Midst of Crisis

Our partners at Somebody Cares Ministries in Malawi are facing unprecedented challenges. We ask for your prayers for the following critical needs:

National Fuel Crisis

Malawi has been experiencing a severe fuel shortage, which has only worsened as the New Year begins. Many Malawians are spending up to two days waiting in their vehicles for fuel deliveries. This shortage has led to a drastic increase in public transportation fares, with minibus and motorbike taxi services tripling their rates. Please pray for a swift resolution to this fuel crisis, as it continues to disrupt daily life and livelihoods.

Economic Challenges

The devaluation of the Malawian currency against the U.S. dollar in late 2023 has caused severe financial strain for many people. While the official exchange rate has stabilized at 1,750 MK to 1 USD, the street rate has surged to an alarming 3,500 MK to 1 USD, doubling the official rate. The cost of goods and transportation has risen accordingly, yet wages remain calculated based on the lower bank rate, making it incredibly difficult for many to afford even basic necessities. We ask that you pray for the people of Malawi, that they may find relief from these economic hardships.

Farming and Weather Impacts

The 2024 growing season has brought significant challenges for farmers in Malawi. A combination of dry spells, floods, and a fall armyworm infestation has resulted in a 16% decline in agricultural production. Tragically, nearly half of the country’s maize crop, a vital food staple, has been affected. This decline in maize production, compounded by other weather-related challenges, has further threatened food security for countless families. Please join us in praying for those who rely on agriculture for their livelihood and for a swift recovery from these devastating weather impacts.

Hunger Crisis

The ongoing crisis is also leading to a severe hunger crisis. From October 2024 to March 2025, it is projected that 5.7 million people—28% of Malawi’s population—will face acute food insecurity. Many will experience crisis-level hunger in both rural and urban areas, exacerbated by the reduced maize harvest. With their farms unable to meet their needs, many will be forced to rely on costly market purchases to feed their families. We ask for your prayers for those who are suffering from hunger and for provision in this time of dire need.

Faith and Hope Amid Challenges

As Malawians face these overwhelming challenges, we pray for strength and resilience. Our partners at Somebody Cares Ministries are committed to helping those in need, and we know that faith and hope are the foundation for overcoming such trials. Please pray that hope will arise in the hearts of those suffering and that their faith will remain firm through these trying times.

We thank you for your ongoing support and prayers for the people of Malawi. Your prayers make a difference, and together, we can stand with our partners during this difficult season.

Blessings and gratitude,

The Working for Orphans & Widows Team

Prayer Requests from Somebody Cares

As we pray for our ministry partner, Somebody Cares Ministries in Malawi, we have the opportunity to bring the pressing needs of their community before the throne of grace. In the midst of great challenges and uncertainties, their trust and hope are in the One who hears and holds the power to bring about change.

Pray for God’s Intervention

Jehovah Jireh is our provider. The Malawi fields have not yielded as expected, and the cost of staple maize has quadrupled, placing a heavy burden on families. We are asking God to intervene and ease the strain on those facing a tough year ahead.

Pray Justice Prevails

Pray for the widows who have been victims of land grabs by greedy relatives. May God’s righteous judgment bring restitution and protection to those who have been wronged, securing their rightful inheritance and peace of mind.

Pray for Continued Passion

As SCM volunteers continue to serve the people in their community, let’s pray for their continued passion for God and love for Him and others among the team and volunteers. May their hearts be steadfast in devotion, their actions fueled by love, and their service a reflection of Christ’s selfless love.

Pray for a Spiritual Harvest and God’s Will

Along with providing physical care for the vulnerable, Somebody Cares Ministries desires to see more and more people come to know Christ and experience the transformative power of His grace. May the Holy Spirit move mightily in their midst, drawing hearts closer to God and igniting a revival that spreads far and wide.

Also pray the church in Malawi returns to God and rediscovers a true focus on the people of God. Pray for a revival of spiritual fervor, a renewed commitment to biblical truth, and a unity that advances God’s kingdom.

Lastly, as Malawi prepares for upcoming elections, submit petitions for God’s guidance and sovereign will to prevail. As campaigns begin, may righteousness and integrity mark the proceedings, and may the outcome be according to God’s divine purpose.

As we unite in prayer, trust in the promise that God hears and answers our prayers.

Yours in Christ,

Somebody Cares Ministries and Wow Mission

Light a Candle in the Darkness


I don’t think any of us of the post-Second World War generation have ever experienced such dark times. There’s no need to list the litany of troubles facing us from natural disasters to pandemics and brutal regional wars. Our world is in a dark place.

But as tough as it is for us, living in the relative peace and abundance of North America, think of the pain experienced by the poor and war torn. As a supporter of WOW you’re invested in their plight.Whether it’s orphans and widows in sub-Saharan Africa and India afflicted with two pandemics – HIV/AIDS and COVID-19, or in Ukraine subjected to “Putin’s War” and fleeing in their millions, we are in a small but committed way lighting a candle in the thick darkness.

Our little light is shining in Ukraine where we are assisting a network of churches caring for desperate orphans and widows by providing food. So basic yet so necessary. Your response to our “Ukraine Rescue” appeal has been amazing!

Sexual abuse (Gender Based Violence or GBV) of young widows and girl orphans is a grim ongoing darkness in many of the countries in which we work. A few years ago we funded the construction of a safe house in Malawi for these vulnerable females through our partner “Somebody Cares”. The home is called the “Home of Mercy”. Scores of abused women and girls have been given refuge there. It is is now a walled compound of peace and serenity and has gained national prominence as a Christian response to GBV.

It has reached capacity, however, and there is an urgent need to expand its facilities. One of our long term supporters has just offered to provide half of the needed funds as WOW raises the other half – a TWO to ONE MATCH. The overall cost will be in the range of $100,000.

Here’s an opportunity for us to light another candle and dispel the darkness of GBV in Malawi.

It’s simply a candle, but as the old saying states, “It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness”. Yes we are that candle. Together we are chasing the night shadows away. Will you help?

I’m sure you will. In Jesus’ name we will light the flame.

Summer is upon us. Ours will probably be a time of rest and relaxation but let us not forget the unrest of others. Without our help, theirs will be “a summer of discontent”.

I want to thank you for your faithfulness. And for remembering WOW. You are pillars!

Let’s keep the candle burning.

Many blessings,

Jim Cantelon
Founder & President



Pandemic Relief – Update from Malawi

As I write we’re into Year Two of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. We all feel the impact. And we’re ready for it to end. We’re tired. 


But, ironically, we’re also renewed in the sense that we’ve been forced to re-examine our lives, our values, our relationships, and our spirits. We’ve been “orphaned” from loved ones and from church community. We’ve been forced to go it alone.

And yet…

many of us have been surprised by the nearness of God in our isolation. It’s like we’re back to square one in our walk with Him and it feels good. Faith has been purged of much of the religious trappings that had attached themselves to the simplicity of the Gospel and we’re back to James’ clarion words:

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27)

Your partnership with us has enabled WOW to continue to grow in these troubled times.

As you know we work in South Africa, Zambia, Malawi, and Southern India. Our focus is Home Based Care, through local church volunteers, for at risk orphans and widows in their thousands. Amazing work in the name of Jesus is being done.

I’d like to highlight our partnership in Malawi.

Here’s a bullet point summary of just some of our ministry there in the past few months:

And this is just Malawi! WOW’s ministry in our other countries is thriving as well. God truly is “a Father to the fatherless and Defender of widows” (Psalm 68:5).

Because our champion ministries buy supplies locally we are faced with the COVID reality of doubled costs. We’re doing our best to adapt. So we’ve decided to provide our beleaguered partners with a COVID supplement. To do this we’ll need our support base (that would be you!) to add a little extra to your funding this quarter.

What a joy and privilege it is to link arms with you in loving these dear ones!

Thank you for your sensitivity to the heart of God.

Many blessings,

Jim Cantelon – Founder/President
WOW – “Working for Orphans & Widows”