Update and Prayer request from SCM in Malawi
by Rita | Mar 15, 2020

During the Covid 19 pandemic our partners (Somebody Cares Ministries) in Malawi are doing their best to keep their volunteers and those they serve safe.

Key volunteer leaders are explaining the importance of hand washing. Tablets of soap given to all of them to take back their communities to use and instruct others.
Key volunteer leaders are explaining the importance of hand washing. Tablets of soap given to all of them to take back their communities to use and instruct others.

Chief Theresa shared with Focal Area Heads and Community Heads on the current Covid-19 pandemic, how it is effecting the world, and the importance of proper CDC guidelines being used. Also encouraging them to rely on our Father for strength and wisdom.
This week our partners in Malawi assisted 200 widows and grannies who are sick and/or live along with maize during the hunger gap and soap to use for Covid-19 prevention. “Soap is a luxury I can’t afford. I often go to bed hungry as I can’t afford maize. Praise God for sending both to me today!”

Prayer Requests
We are thankful that you keep us in prayer as we do for all of you. We are going through trying times as is everyone all over the world. It is by the Grace of God that the ministry was able to distribute Selenium in March to help build the immune systems of those in our communities. Soap was also distributed to community leaders, HBC volunteers and widows & grannies as they were informed of the importance of hand washing and social distancing in these trying times.
Please pray for the nation
1. In the past week the first 8 cases have been indentified with one death
2. Our health system is unrealistic even with some CDC recommended measures in place.
3. 85% of the population including those in peri-urban slums cannot afford soap or other basic needs and live hand to mouth daily
4. With loss of jobs in certain sectors many people will go hungry as the majority of livelihoods is on a day to day basis.
5. Pray for our Government for transparency and accountability and taking responsibility for citizens and keeping citizens abreast of current situation
Please pray for the Ministry
Divine protection, wisdom and support:
1. In ways of getting information and resources to the needy, marginalised and vulnerable
2. Our volunteers in Home Based Care to remain healthy
3. Transportation and movement of volunteers, supplies and resources using best practices in light of the current situation
4. Support to our team and way forward for vital ministry programs
5. Protection of our team as we determine the way forward now
5. How best to reach out and remain safe
6. Strengthen our resolve to depend on God even more
And anything else the Holy Spirit brings to mind.
Thank you for your prayers. God bless!