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Update and Prayer request from SCM in Malawi

Update and Prayer request from SCM in Malawi

by Rita | Mar 15, 2020

During the Covid 19 pandemic our partners (Somebody Cares Ministries) in Malawi are doing their best to keep their volunteers and those they serve safe.

Key volunteer leaders are explaining the importance of hand washing. Tablets of soap given to all of them to take back their communities to use and instruct others.
Key volunteer leaders are explaining the importance of hand washing. Tablets of soap given to all of them to take back their communities to use and instruct others.

Chief Theresa shared with Focal Area Heads and Community Heads on the current Covid-19 pandemic, how it is effecting the world, and the importance of proper CDC guidelines being used. Also encouraging them to rely on our Father for strength and wisdom.

This week our partners in Malawi assisted 200 widows and grannies who are sick and/or live along with maize during the hunger gap and soap to use for Covid-19 prevention. “Soap is a luxury I can’t afford. I often go to bed hungry as I can’t afford maize. Praise God for sending both to me today!”

Prayer Requests

We are thankful that you keep us in prayer as we do for all of you. We are going through trying times as is everyone all over the world. It is by the Grace of God that the ministry was able to distribute Selenium in March to help build the immune systems of those in our communities. Soap was also distributed to community leaders, HBC volunteers and widows & grannies as they were informed of the importance of hand washing and social distancing in these trying times.

Please pray for the nation

1. In the past week the first 8 cases have been indentified with one death
2. Our health system is unrealistic even with some CDC recommended measures in place.
3. 85% of the population including those in peri-urban slums cannot afford soap or other basic needs and live hand to mouth daily
4. With loss of jobs in certain sectors many people will go hungry as the majority of livelihoods is on a day to day basis.
5. Pray for our Government for transparency and accountability and taking responsibility for citizens and keeping citizens abreast of current situation

Please pray for the Ministry

Divine protection, wisdom and support:
1. In ways of getting information and resources to the needy, marginalised and vulnerable
2. Our volunteers in Home Based Care to remain healthy
3. Transportation  and movement of volunteers, supplies and resources using best practices in light of the current situation
4. Support to our team and way forward for vital ministry programs
5. Protection of our team as we determine the way forward now
5. How best to reach out and remain safe
6. Strengthen our resolve to depend on God even more

And anything else the Holy Spirit brings to mind.
Thank you for your prayers. God bless!

Stories from ICO in Zambia

Stories from ICO in Zambia

by Rita | April 1, 2020

My name is Richard Sokotela and I am 56 years old. I am a former Zambia air Force civilian employee and now retired due to health challenges. I was diagnosed with HIV last year in 2019 after a series of sickness. From that time my life has never been the same, due to sickness I stayed home most of the time and could not manage going to work and so I had to resign, I was often bed ridden and I would only depend on my wife who has been on my side through these difficult times.

Since last year I have failed to provide for my family. My children have dropped out of school, I can’t afford to help them with their basic needs. My concern is that they will soon fall prey to teenage pregnancies or marriages, which are so prevalent in our community.

I thank God for the team who have helped me with a monthly food package, that way they lessen the burden of putting food on my table. May the Lord continue to bless you and provide for you as you provide for us. I also want to say thank you to the supplement Selenium that has greatly improved my appetite and my well being. I can now I can sit up and I’m seeing great improvement.

Please Pray:

  1. For God to give me total recovery so that I can get back to my feet and help my family.
  2. For the Lord to provide schooling opportunities to my Daughters so that they would be different from the girls in this community.
  3. For the Lord to protect me and my family from this new Virus that is going round. (COVID-19)
My name is Ntandiwe and I’m 15 years of age. I live in Zambia with my Aunt. I was born HIV positive, I was diagnosed at birth in 2005. My chances of survival were incredibly slim. I lived in hospitals the first several years of my life. I have been on HIV treatment ever since.

Before I came to Kabwe, I stayed in Nakonde with another Aunt of mine. Life was very difficult for me because most of the time I was sick. My Aunt was not giving me my medication because she was ignorant about the virus and the importance of ARVs.

My growing up has been surrounded by a constant negative lesson on HIV, and trying to understand what HIV is and it’s been so hard. I lost both my parents when I was eight and due to the pain of losing my loved ones I resented the doctors, HIV/AIDS and even God.

One day, some people whom I call my angels visited me with good news. They encouraged me from the word of God and spoke positively about HIV/AIDS and the importance of taking my medication on time. These people brought hope in my life and I’m now positive that one day my dream of becoming a nurse will be fulfilled. Thank you to the volunteers for their encouragement. Once I recover and have the strength, am going back to school!

Please Pray:

  1. That I could go back to school
  2. For God to heal me

Update from Rob’s Farm

Update from Rob’s Farm

by Rita | Mar 27, 2020


We continue to enjoy His divine protection from COVID-19 pandemic and we give Him all the glory.

  1. It is now four years ago since we dedicated Rob’s farm to the Lord in memory of Rob Hall; a Canadian missionary who died at Trans-africa Theological University in Kitwe. We have given a facelift to the memorial placard and the thatched hut on the hill.
  2. We have been slashing and cleaning up the surrounding and the exercise continues.
  3. Weeding, spraying and application of fertilizer continues in the vegetable gardens. This week we sold green pepper, eggplants, okra, lemons and green beans
  4. The turkey chicks are doing fine and we are grateful to God. We love you and stay blessed.

Update on Covid-19

Update on Covid-19

by Rita | Mar 17, 2020

Dear Friends,

The world has been blindsided by the corona virus. We’re all facing unchartered territory. For the next few months (maybe longer) we’ll be faced with a new normal of restrictions, “social distancing”, shortages, reduced essential services, travel bans, and serious suffering. The only comfort is that the Lord has not been taken by surprise. He still loves and provides for his children.

Africa is just now reporting on the daily rise of Covid-19 in its many nations. We are very concerned because we work with thousands of HIV victims in Africa and India whose immune systems are already compromised. This, in concert with the limited medical services of Africa, means as one of our African partners put it,”We’re sitting on a time bomb”.

We need to remember these precious orphans and widows in prayer and in our gifts. I’m asking you to contribute via our website if possible. It may be that postal services personnel may be required to self isolate. The ministry must go on.

Many blessings to you!

The Impact of Selenium

The Impact of Selenium

by Rita | Mar 10, 2020

Through our partners we are able to provide Selenium — the immune boosting mineral — to people who’s health is fragile or deteriorating (elderly, those living with HIV etc.). Selenium has shown such a great impact to all that are taking it that more people are joining into our groups in the communities in order to receive this precious commodity!

“I’m living testimony because of Selenium which has restored my health. ” – HIV Support Group Member.

“After walking 15 km to the centre, I know I can do anything. Selenium is the answer to my strength.” – Widow

The people expressed their joy as they were receiving selenium because they know already about the impact it has in their bodies. These people are thankful to God, and our donors, for putting the people on their hearts and for coming to their rescue.

20 Years of Faithfulness

20 Years of Faithfulness

by Rita | Dec 4, 2019

In 1999 Jim Cantelon stood on the shores of the Indian Ocean. Here he felt called to minister to Orphans & Widows impacted by HIV and AIDS. Fast forward to 2019 and he was once again able to stand in the same spot.It started with what/who he knew: African pastors and churches who had brought him from Jerusalem to guest speak in the 1980’s. The relationships established in those years gave the ministry an access point for our first few years of WOW’s engagement with thousands victimized by the HIV and AIDS pandemic. And those pastors and churches became our first frontline “champions” in our Home Based Care (HBC) ministry to affected orphans and widows in desperately impoverished regions.

Indeed our “first responders” and ongoing angels of mercy were/are all local church based volunteers. This is vital because a core value of sustainable ministry must be the “hands and feet of Jesus” from the community reaching out to the perishing.

A big part of founding WOW was casting vision to African pastors to engage their congregants in a vast coordinated commitment to HBC in their towns and villages. So we convened, sponsored, and spoke at several pastors’ conferences with anywhere from 20 to 4000 in attendance. The vision caught on and we were able to identify and engage with small (now large) ministries who have become a significant inter-country network. Hundreds of thousands of man hours have been expended in ministry to “the least of these”(Matthew 25:40-45) by these faithful partners. It’s truly humbling to see Jesus at work through these servants of God.

WOW just keeps on growing. That’s because the Lord is “a father to the fatherless and a defender of widows “(Psalm 68:5). That day the Lord gave him 2 words: “Catalyst” and “Every Church a Mother Teresa”. And for 20 years we have been faithful to that call!